Social Media 2023: Expert Insights & Key Takeaways From a Year in Flux

Social Media 2023: Expert Insights & Key Takeaways From a Year in Flux

As we near the end of the year, we thought it was fitting to reach out to digital marketing experts from different industries and regions to tell us about their key takeaways or observations regarding the world of social media in 2023.

We’ve compiled some of the best responses for your viewing pleasure.


Jan Suski

Content & Outreach Specialist at Linkhouse

A disruptive phenomenon I’ve observed this year revolves around the significant shift in User-Generated Content (UGC) behavior within Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) post the Helpful Content Update. Platforms like Reddit, Medium, Linkedin Pulse, and Quora, among others, experienced a remarkable boost in rankings. Google’s recognition of these platforms as real, authoritative, and relevant search results propelled their positions, altering social media in the process.

This evolution highlights the growing importance of UGC platforms in shaping online discourse and influencing search visibility. The Helpful Content Update has empowered these platforms and emphasized the need for businesses and individuals to engage with and leverage the potential of UGC actively.

As someone deeply immersed in content strategy, witnessing the impact of this trend has been both insightful and transformative. It underscores the dynamism of social media platforms and their integral role in shaping digital narratives.


Dmitriy Shelepin

Dmitriy Shelepin

CEO, Head of SEO at Miromind

2023 Social Media: It’s All About Micro-Influencers and Authenticity

As a marketer and SMM, 2023 screamed one thing: micro-influencers are the new macro stars. Forget the Kardashians of the world, it’s the relatable, niche creators who are winning hearts (and wallets). Think grandma teaching you sourdough on TikTok, or that local mechanic with killer car hacks on Instagram. People crave real, not airbrushed perfection.

It’s not just a trend, it’s a power shift. Brands are ditching celebrity endorsements for micro-influencer partnerships. Why? Because they have laser-focused audiences who trust their recommendations. It’s like having your coolest friend rave about your product – way more impactful than a distant A-lister, right?

And this authenticity goes beyond influencers. Social media in 2023 is all about show, don’t tell. Polished feeds are out, messy behind-the-scenes glimpses are in. We’re craving vulnerability, transparency, even humor at our own expense. It’s humanizing, it’s relatable, it’s what builds

communities, not just followings.

For me, this shift was personal. My meticulously curated Instagram feed? Gone. Replaced with goofy Boomerangs, messy craft projects with my kids, and honest rants about the struggles of running a small business. Guess what? My engagement skyrocketed. People connected, they shared their own stories, we built a real space, not just a digital facade.

So, in 2023, remember: ditch the filters, embrace the real, and find your micro-influencer tribe. It’s the key to unlocking genuine connection and, dare I say, social media magic.


 Michał Kierul

 Michał Kierul

CEO at INTechHouse

As the CEO of Intechhouse, a leader in software innovation, I have closely monitored the profound impact of AI on social media in 2023. This year marked a turning point in how businesses approach content creation and management, largely driven by the capabilities of AI.

The most remarkable aspect of this evolution is the personalization of content. AI tools have enabled us to analyze vast amounts of data, understanding our audience’s preferences and behaviors in unprecedented detail. This insight allows for the creation of content that resonates on a personal level with each segment of our audience. For Intechhouse, this meant tailoring our messages and offerings to align more closely with user needs and interests, leading to increased engagement and customer loyalty.

Another significant development has been in content management. AI-powered analytics have provided a clearer view of what content performs best and why. This data-driven approach has enhanced our decision-making process, enabling us to optimize our content strategy effectively. We now produce content that not only appeals to our audience but also aligns with our
brand values and goals.

Furthermore, the integration of AI in social media has opened up new possibilities for creative expression. With tools that assist in generating ideas and even drafting content, we have been able to maintain a consistent and high-quality online presence. This consistency is vital in today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where staying relevant and engaging is key to maintaining a strong online presence.


 Darren Graham

Darren Graham

Director at 408 Media Group

In 2023, social media saw a big change. People now prefer real, honest content over perfectly polished posts. I realized this when a simple, truthful post I made got more attention than my usual, well-made ones. This showed me that people really value realness and connection.

The main thing to take from this is that social media is now all about being genuine. People like content that’s down-to-earth and real. This shift is changing how people and brands create content. It’s more about making real connections with your audience now.

For those reading, this means thinking differently about what you post. Being real and approachable is key. It’s about making strong, true connections with your followers. This is what builds a community that sticks with you.


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Matteo Valentini

CEO at Pantheon Tickets

A significant trend has marked social media in 2023: the rise of immersive storytelling. As a world traveler and former marketing manager with five years of experience, I’ve leveraged this trend to showcase diverse cultures and destinations through platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The ability to create vivid, engaging content using advanced features like AR filters and 360-degree videos has revolutionized how we share travel experiences.

A personal breakthrough came when I utilized Instagram’s multi-post feature to create a digital travel diary. This approach allowed followers to embark on virtual journeys, engaging with posts that narratively and visually unfolded various aspects of a destination. It increased engagement and set a new trend in digital travel storytelling, emphasizing depth and continuity.

This year has solidified social media as a critical global connection and cultural exchange tool. Turning every traveler into a storyteller has opened up a world of possibilities for personal and business growth.


Adam Hardingham

Adam Hardingham

CEO at Rivmedia

I can affirm that 2023 marked a pivotal shift in social media dynamics towards authenticity. Gone are the days when meticulously crafted, flawless content was the gold standard. Instead, there’s a clear preference for genuineness. I observed this firsthand when an unpolished, sincere post of mine unexpectedly outperformed the more refined ones. This was an eye-opener, highlighting the public’s desire for real, human connections.

The key takeaway for marketers? We’re in an age where ‘unfiltered’ social media reigns. Users are increasingly drawn to content that feels personal and unvarnished. This isn’t just a superficial trend; it’s fundamentally altering the way content is crafted and consumed, fostering deeper, more authentic relationships between brands, influencers, and their audiences.

For those in the industry, this insight is invaluable. It underscores the shift in audience preferences and stresses the importance of authenticity in content creation. Embracing this trend is crucial for building a devoted, engaged community on social platforms. It’s about connecting genuinely, a strategy that is proving to be more effective than the traditional, polished approach.


Dhimant Vyas

Dhimant Vyas

 Head of Marketing at Textdrip

In marketing and social media, 2023 has been a remarkable year with several key takeaways. One prevalent phenomenon that took social media by storm was the rise of immersive experiences. The integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into social platforms created a new dimension for user engagement. Brands that embraced AR filters, interactive 3D content, and virtual events witnessed unprecedented levels of audience interaction. This shift emphasized the importance of creating captivating and memorable experiences for users.

From a personal perspective, a defining moment was the successful implementation of automated conversational marketing on social media. Leveraging chatbots and AI-driven interactions, we transformed customer engagement on Textdrip’s social channels. This not only streamlined communication but also showcased the growing preference for personalized and instant interactions. It was clear that users valued authentic and responsive engagement, setting a new standard for social media practices.

As the Head of Marketing at Textdrip, this experience reinforced the significance of agility and innovation in adapting to emerging trends. It highlighted the need for brands to be proactive in embracing new technologies and tailoring their strategies to meet evolving user expectations.

In a nutshell, the evolution of social media in 2023 underscored the importance of immersive experiences and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies. These trends reshaped how brands connect with their audience and reinforced the necessity for dynamic and responsive marketing strategies.


Andrei Vasilescu

Andrei Vasilescu

Co-Founder & CEO at DontPayFull

The most notable trend has been the shift towards user-driven content. This year, it’s not just about what brands or influencers are posting, but also how users interact with and reshape that
content. I noticed this when user-generated responses to one of my campaigns gained more traction than the original content itself. This indicates a move towards a more interactive, collaborative form of social media.

It’s a space where the lines between content creators and consumers are blurring. Users are not just passive recipients; they’re active contributors, influencing and co-creating the narrative.

For those looking to stay ahead in the digital marketing game, this trend offers a new playbook. It’s about leveraging user-generated content, encouraging community participation, and fostering a two-way dialogue. This approach not only amplifies reach and engagement but also builds a more dynamic and involved community. It’s a shift from broadcasting to engaging, turning every user into a potential content collaborator.


Kamil Rejent

Kamil Rejent

CEO at Survicate

In my role as CEO of Survicate, observing the 2023 social media landscape, I noticed a significant shift towards ephemeral and interactive content. This year, platforms traditionally known for more enduring content forms adapted, embracing the transient nature of social media storytelling. The trend towards ephemeral content, primarily driven by platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, has now become a mainstream phenomenon.

At Survicate, we recognized this shift and strategically incorporated more interactive stories and polls into our social media content. This approach not only aligned with the growing demand for authenticity but also facilitated a deeper, more engaging connection with our audience. The use of ephemeral content allowed us to present our brand in a more relatable and approachable manner. This strategy proved particularly effective in humanizing our brand, showcasing the people behind our products, and sharing real-time updates that resonated with our audience.

Moreover, the interactive nature of this content type provided us with immediate feedback. Through quick polls and Q&A sessions, we gained valuable insights directly from our users. This real-time interaction helped us understand our audience better, tailor our offerings, and improve our services. The direct feedback loop became an integral part of our product development and customer service strategy.

This trend also redefined the traditional metrics of success on social media. Engagement rates, rather than just follower counts or likes, became the more valuable metric for assessing the impact of our content. We focused on creating content that encouraged active participation, leading to more meaningful interactions and a stronger online community.


Julia Mathers

Julia Mathers

Marketing Executive at Pasha Funding

In my professional opinion, the most prevalent phenomenon that took social media by storm in 2023 was the emergence of influencer marketing. With the growth of social media platforms, influencers were able to use their platforms to reach a large audience and promote products and services. This allowed companies to target a specific audience and create more personalized campaigns. Additionally, influencers had the ability to create content that was more engaging and relatable than traditional advertising, which made it easier to build trust and loyalty with their audience.

Furthermore, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation tools also had a big impact on the way social media was used in 2023. AI-powered tools allowed companies to automate tasks such as content curation, customer service, and analytics. This allowed companies to save time and resources while still providing a high-quality customer experience. Additionally, AI-powered tools allowed companies to better understand their audiences and create more targeted campaigns that resonated with them.


Waleria Pagowska

Waleria Pagowska

Product Marketing Specialist at

My perspective on the 2023 social media evolution is deeply rooted in the global expansion and diversification of social media usage. I’d like to point out to you that the surge of 4.9 billion users worldwide is not just a number anymore, it represents a mosaic of voices, preferences, and interactions. I’ve seen firsthand how this expansion demands a more nuanced approach to social listening and analytics (my job:).

One of the most striking phenomena I’ve observed is the multi-platform nature of social media engagement. Users aren’t just flocking to one platform anymore, more often they’re spreading their digital presence across an average of six to seven platforms monthly. This diversification has significantly impacted our approach at Brand24. We’ve had to evolve our tool to track and analyze conversations across a broader range of platforms, ensuring our clients can capture the full spectrum of their audience’s online presence. Another key trend is the staggering growth of the social media app market, valued at $49.09 billion in 2022. This growth is highly dynamic, driven by the rapid adoption of technologies like 5G. The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially, requiring more robust and agile analytical tools.

To finish I’d like to pay your attention to how the continued dominance of mobile in social media access (99% of users) has reshaped our approach to product development. We’ve had to ensure that our platform is not just mobile-friendly but mobile-first, prioritizing ease of use and accessibility for marketers who are increasingly on-the-go.

The biggest takeaway from 2023 is that it was an extraordinarily fast year, which introduced many changes that were only beginning to develop in the earlier years. A huge breakthrough in establishing new trends that are going to stay with us for a longer time. All in all, I’d say the 2023 social media landscape has been a catalyst for innovation and adaptation at Brand24. It’s an exciting time to be at the forefront of social media analytics, where every global trend translates into new opportunities and challenges in our field.


Phil Vam

Phil Vam

Owner at Microstartup

Lately, we have realized a significant shift towards more genuine and less polished content across social media platforms. Users and brands alike gravitated towards posts and stories that offered a real glimpse into everyday experiences, moving away from overly edited and too professional content. So, that’s what we advised our clients to do.

For example, we guided a client in the retail sector to embrace this trend by sharing real customer stories and unfiltered product experiences on their social channels. This enhanced their brand authenticity and largely increased their customer engagement. With time, their sale started increasing as well because people were liking, sharing, and commenting on their posts and videos much more than in the past.

I’d also love to mention that this had a practical impact as well. It saved some time and resources typically spent on creating perfect content, allowing us to focus more on substance rather than style. I think that this authenticity instead of aesthetics trend will become even more popular in the future because people like real-life examples and experiences with products and services.


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Philippa Spencer

Project Manager at Aaron Kennedy Marketing

As a PMI PMP certified project manager with a decade of experience in various industries, including marketing, my take on the 2023 social media evolution is shaped by the American social media landscape, daily usage patterns, and the predominance of mobile devices.
These factors have significantly influenced social media marketing. The fact that Facebook remains the most visited social media site in America, commanding 53% of all social media site visits, has been a critical consideration in my project planning.
This statistic has led me to prioritize Facebook in our digital marketing strategies, ensuring that our projects are tailored to leverage its vast user base effectively. The biggest change I’ve seen this year was that the competition is so high, that simply being present isn’t enough anymore. It’s crucial to stand out, maximize engagement, follow the platform’s unique dynamics.

Another profound insight I can share is the average daily social media usage.
I read research that said that you should engage for about 145 minutes per day on these platforms to schedule content and campaigns. It’s not just the quantity of time, it’s the quality of engagement within those minutes that counts.
This understanding has driven me to focus on creating more impactful and time-sensitive content that resonates with users during their active hours. I’m a small freak on statistics, but I use them to create strategies at my company, so I can also tell you that 99% of users access social media via mobile devices. This is an all-time high which happened in 2023. It has led me to advocate for mobile-first approaches in all our marketing projects. This shift has involved rethinking content formats, design, and user interactions to ensure that our projects are not just mobile-compatible but mobile-optimized.

In my role, these trends have not just been statistics, but guiding lights shaping how we approach marketing projects. They’ve demanded a more agile, responsive, and user-centric approach, ensuring that our strategies are not just current but also future-proof in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


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Dylan Melendez

Product Design Associate at PRM

I look at the 2023 social media evolution from the perspective of the trends in social media advertising, influencer marketing, and the impact of social media on mental health. These elements have not only shaped my professional practices but also my personal experiences with social media.

The evolution of social media advertising, particularly the average CTR, has been a focal point in my work. This statistic has driven me to rethink and refine our advertising strategies. Audiences do not care too much anymore if they are just reached, they need to feel like your message is resonating with them. Why?* Overstimulation* -we’ve all been victims of it. This shift has led to a more creative and user-centric approach in designing ads, focusing on storytelling and personalization to increase engagement and conversion rates.

Influencer marketing has been another key area of focus, as I mentioned before. My personal experience with influencer collaborations has taught me the power of authenticity and relatability in marketing. Working with influencers has not been just about leveraging their reach. Audiences are also looking for something genuine and real- again, something that resonates with them. This approach has led to more meaningful and impactful marketing campaigns. In 2023 I had to look for influencers who sometimes have a smaller following, but had high engagement rates for the first time!

I’d like to discuss the impact of social media on mental health, particularly among adolescents. I think something very important happened in 2023 and that is the awareness of taking care of mental health introduced into product design, emphasizing the need for responsible and ethical design practices. It’s about creating experiences that are not only engaging but also mindful of their potential impact on users’ well-being. I am very happy to have been a part of this change. We want to optimize our income of course, but we do not need to make our social media more addictive because of it.


Dominic Monn

Dominic Monn

Founder & CEO at MentorCruise

In 2023, one of the most intriguing developments in social media has been the movement towards decentralization and the emergence of niche platforms. Our company has always relied on social media for exposure, visibility and marketing. For others like us, this specific trend will largely reshape how they approach social media marketing.

Decentralization Empowers Users and Enhances Security: Decentralized social media platforms distribute governance and control among their users rather than central authorities, fundamentally changing the dynamics of social networking. This approach addresses concerns over data privacy and misuse by ensuring transparency and security. Decentralization also makes these networks more resilient to censorship and system failures, as they don’t rely on a single point of failure. This shift empowers users with greater control over their data and the platform’s policies, potentially leading to a more democratic and secure online environment.

Niche Platforms Foster Targeted and Engaged Communities: The rise of niche social media platforms marks a shift from the ‘one-size-fits-all’ model of large networks. By focusing on specific interests, professions, or lifestyles, these platforms create highly targeted communities where users find more value and relevance in content and interactions. This focused approach encourages deeper engagement, as users are more likely to interact with content and individuals that align closely with their interests or professional needs. For businesses and marketers, these platforms provide opportunities to reach distinct audience segments more effectively, leading to more personalized and successful marketing strategies.

Shaping the Future of Social Media Interaction: Both decentralization and the emergence of niche platforms are reshaping social media by prioritizing user needs and interests over commercial agenda. Decentralized networks challenge the traditional, centralized model of data control and content distribution, potentially leading to a more equitable and user-centric online world. Meanwhile, niche platforms change how people connect and engage online, moving towards more meaningful, interest-specific interactions. These trends indicate a future where social media is a tool for socializing and a platform for tailored experiences, professional growth, and community building based on shared interests and values.


Mark Voronov

Mark Voronov

Co-Founder & CEO at SocialPlug

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of social media, one prevalent phenomenon that has undeniably taken the digital realm by storm is the rise of augmented reality (AR) experiences within social platforms. In 2023, we witnessed an unprecedented integration of AR features, providing users with immersive and engaging content experiences.

This evolution has not only transformed user interaction but also revolutionized marketing strategies, allowing brands to connect with their audience on a more personal level. The interactive nature of AR experiences has redefined storytelling, enabling businesses to create memorable and shareable moments that resonate with their target demographic.

In my personal experience, leveraging AR in our campaigns has proven instrumental in fostering deeper connections with our clients’ audiences, resulting in increased brand loyalty and enhanced customer engagement. This strategic adoption of AR technology has undoubtedly shaped a new trend in digital marketing practices, emphasizing the importance of creating captivating and interactive content to stay relevant in the ever-evolving social media landscape.


Bimbo Lawal

Bimbo Lawal

CMO at Aceall Technologies

Reflecting on the evolution of social media in 2023, the most prevalent phenomenon that reshaped the landscape was the dominance of interactive content. The surge in engaging formats like polls, quizzes, and interactive stories transformed user interactions and brand-consumer relationships. This trend was fueled by platforms emphasizing real-time interaction, encouraging users to actively participate and share opinions.

From a personal standpoint, integrating augmented reality (AR) filters on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat proved transformative. Creating branded AR filters provided a unique and immersive user experience, fostering a strong connection between the audience and the brand. This not only spurred user-generated content but also led to a viral effect as users shared their experiences, positioning the brand as a trendsetter within their networks.

In essence, the emphasis on interactive content and the incorporation of innovative features, such as AR filters, have left an indelible mark on social media in 2023. Brands and marketers embracing these trends are poised to stand out, fostering deeper connections with their audiences in a crowded digital space.


Ibrahim Taha

Ibrahim Taha

Chief Information Officer at Roowaad

In my view, the most striking evolution in social media this year was the surge in authentic, unfiltered content. Users have become wary of the polished, curated feeds and are now gravitating towards more raw and genuine posts. This shift has major implications for marketers who now need to rethink their content strategies to prioritize authenticity.

Another trend that really took off was the rise of short-form video content. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have changed the game, pushing brands to create more engaging, bite-sized videos that can capture users’ attention in mere seconds.

From a personal experience, leveraging user-generated content became a game-changer for my strategies. It not only increased engagement but also built a sense of community and trust around the brand. This hands-on approach to incorporating audience content reshaped how I approached campaign planning.

The pivot to authenticity and the rise of short-form videos are not just trends; they’re loud wake-up calls for brands to become more relatable and agile in their social media presence.


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Bowart Wolfe

CEO at Vivipins

Several significant trends and shifts have marked the evolution of social media in recent years. One prevalent phenomenon that often shapes social media landscapes is the emergence of new platforms and features influencing user behavior and marketing strategies.

For marketers and social media experts, staying attuned to platform changes, user preferences, and emerging trends remains pivotal. Each year introduces novel ways of engaging audiences through the rise of ephemeral content, the increased use of live video, or the integration of augmented reality in social media experiences. These trends often reshape content strategies and engagement approaches, prompting marketers to adapt their methods to remain relevant and engaging.

Personal experiences with social media can also catalyze new trends or practices. For instance, unique campaigns or viral content might inspire innovative marketing strategies or prompt a shift in content creation approaches. Anecdotal experiences, when analyzed within the larger social media landscape, can provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, shaping new practices or trends in content creation, engagement, or audience interaction.

Reflecting on personal experiences or observing standout trends in the social media landscape often illuminates the ever-evolving nature of these platforms. These takeaways contribute to refining strategies, adopting new tools, and devising innovative approaches to engage audiences effectively in the dynamic realm of social media marketing.


Hataish Kumar

Hataish Kumar

Founder & CEO at CouponGot

Top takeaways in 2023

The rise of short-form video: Short-form video content, such as TikTok videos and Instagram Reels, has become increasingly popular in 2023. This is due to the fact that it is easy to consume and share, and it can be very engaging.

The need for a multi-platform approach: Social media users are now active on multiple platforms, so it is important for brands to have a presence on all of the relevant platforms.

The growing importance of social commerce: Social commerce is the process of buying and selling products directly on social media platforms. This is a growing trend, as it makes it easier for consumers to shop without having to leave their social media feeds.

The most prevalent phenomenon that took social media by storm in 2023 was the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is being used to power a variety of new features on social media platforms, such as personalized recommendations, chatbots, and automated content creation.

In my own experience, I have found that using social media to connect with my audience has been a valuable way to build relationships and grow my business. I have also found that using social media to share my expertise has helped me to establish myself as a thought leader in my industry.


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