Kim Kardashian Reveals Her Ultimate Celebrity Crush – E! Online

    Kim Kardashian Reveals Her Ultimate Celebrity Crush – E! Online

    In a June 2023 episode of The Kardashians, she unveiled the list of what she’s looking for in her next partner. 

    “No. 1, protect me. No. 2, fight for me. No. 3, good hygiene—I mean that’s like a given, I think I should even take that off. No. 4, calm. No. 5, no mom or dad issues,” she read. “Six, patience. Seven, supportive, genuinely happy for me, successful, good teeth.”

    She wasn’t done, as the list continued, “Spontaneous, fun, my friends and family love him, someone who can be a role model for my kids, especially that my boys can look up to. No heavy baggage—I have enough. Taller than me. Someone that loves to workout. A motivated person. An independent person that’s not clingy and someone with good taste.”

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