Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Health Guys, I Learned a Magic Trick and It Slaps | Cup of...

Guys, I Learned a Magic Trick and It Slaps | Cup of Jo

Guys, I Learned a Magic Trick and It Slaps | Cup of Jo

easy magic trick for kids

File this under “the dorkiest post in CoJ history,” but…

easy magic trick for kids

…these are the cute expressions I see…

easy magic trick for kids

…when I perform my new magic trick. Who knew it was so much fun to have a trick in your back pocket?

magic trick easy for kids

It all began one lazy morning, when I was lounging on my sofa and decided to check out some magic videos on YouTube. I’ve always liked magic — including the mentalist at my 40th and my kids’ glowing thumbs — and I was curious to learn something myself.

Luckily, I came across this surprisingly easy tutorial, above, which shows you how to instruct a person to “randomly” choose four cards from a normal deck — but you end up making all four cards the same number. The guy in the video ends the trick with four threes, but when I perform it for kids under 11 years old, I make it so they choose their own age.

magic trick

It’s easier than you’d expect!

easy magic trick for kids

So random, I know! Do you know any magic tricks? Or have any other jokes/games up your sleeves? (I also love this number game when all else fails.)

P.S. How to be a neighborhood auntie, and what little things enchant your children?

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